Saturday, April 21, 2012

Weird Family Names

It's occurring to me that I reference my grandparents in different posts, but I never explained anything about what their names are  We don't call or reference them in the appropriate way at all.  Imagine me being different!  I can't take credit for it, of course, but my dad is always doing his own thing.  See where I get it from?  :)

I should call them Dada and Dadi - that would be grandad and grandma in English, but specifically refers to the paternal side.  My mother's parents, if Indian, would be Nana and Nani.  But I digress.

When my father was small, people called his mom "Ben."  Although it literally means "sister", it can be used to respectfully refer to someone who is familiar to you.  Since that is what everyone called her, my dad just started calling her Ben too.  And when we finally met her, it stuck.  Therefore, when I reference Ben, she is who I mean, unless there is a name attached in front.  Just as we called Ben Ben like our dad did, we called his father Papa.  So, my grandparents are simply Papa and Ben. I have a hard time remembering that most people we are meeting now don't know that.  I referenced Ben to someone in Ahmedabad on Thursday, and they looked at Swati in confusion.  Ha!  Whoops. Now that that's clear, I'm off.

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