Friday, August 24, 2012

Thirty is the New Twenty

Do you remember being 20?  I do.  It was two years after I turned 18, and two years before I graduated from college.  The hardest thing I dealt with was final exams and hangovers.   I did a lot of soul searching at keg parties and rock concerts.  I didn't know all that much, but I thought I did.  I knew everything I was going to do with my life - graduate school, become a professor of Anthropology, get married and have children.  I was going to do that by 25.  Riiiiight.

I kinda thought 20 was hard.  I took myself pretty seriously.  I was making life decision, and you know, making things happen.  What things, I don't know.  But they were things.  And they were important.  My life had a direction and a purpose.  I was going some place.  I'm not sure where I thought it was going to be, but it was some place.

In my life before I was 20 and knew it all, I was a kid, just like everyone else.  I met two good friends when I was 11.  These two friends are my Oldest Friend, and LIPAH.  All of us are 30 years old, so for the record, that means we've been friends 19 years.  Yikes.  We met in the 6th grade when the biggest issue we had was which boy we had a crush on, or that our folks wouldn't drop us off at the mall.  We didn't have body image issues, or at least, not big ones.  We didn't make poor alcohol-related choices that plagued us for months or years on end.  Our hearts weren't broken yet, though we thought they were.

We spent a considerable amount of time, between the ages of 11 and 14, playing nintendo, swimming at my Oldest Friend's pool, and riding LIPAH's gator.  We thought we were cool, so sometimes we chained smoked in the park near Brew HA HA.  We had sleepovers and watched a lot of stupid movies, played MASH, and talked about boys.  You know, normal stuff tweenagers do.  Actually, to the tell you the truth, I guess we do most of these things even now. :)

In the beginning of 9th grade, LIPAH went her separate way from us, and at the end of 10th, an important year for this whole story of my life, by the way, I went my own way.  LIPAH lost touch because email and chat programs weren't standard; Facebook and Skype weren't even invented yet.  My Oldest Friend and I lived only about 4 miles from each other though, and we remained extremely close.

It turns out - both of them had plans when they were 20 too.  LIPAH went off to boarding school, college, and then had a city life at a big PR firm in Manhattan.  She lived the life.  Long hours, big days, stiff drinks.  With her own place in Jersey City, a boyfriend she loved, and a life of her own, she was manhandling NYC.  With ease.

My Oldest Friend, who incidentally happens to be chronologically the oldest among us three, went to Italy when she was 17.  She studied there for two years, but she accelerated her degree and graduated college in three years.  For a number of reasons, she moved home the summer after college, and worked at the barn she worked at for most of her childhood.  She banked every cent, studied her brains out, and was accepted to law school.  Ladies and Gentleman, my BFF, is a bigass lawyer.  I'm proud as shit of her.  And, as a bonus, she met TBC there, and they are the love of each other's lives.

I did it the safe way.  I graduated from my small liberal arts college, where I kicked ass and took names, fairly effortlessly.  With no job prospects or determination, no graduate school acceptance, or even finish applications, I took a job at the company where my father was already an executive.  TxB stayed in Reading to work on his (even as of now, unfinished) degree while I worked in the Management Development Program at the bank.  Until a couple of years ago, I never really liked my job very much.  It was an overpaid babysitter, who didn't make nearly enough to be so miserable.  But I had a house payment and bills, and I was the primary breadwinner.  Sometimes the only one.

If you fast forward to about 2 years ago, LIPAH moved home, and we found ourselves, the three of us, reunited.  At a chinese place, in the center of our homes (Chadd's Ford, Philadelphia, and Newark), we talked and laughed like no time had passed.  It turned out, though we didn't know it at the time, that we were all about to have major life changing events happen to us.  At the same time.

The times were changing, even then.  The seeds were being sown.  My Oldest Friend transitioned to a new job that she's not so crazy about from one that she absolutely loved.  It was her dream job.  But the assignment was over.  LIPAH, on the other hand, settled into her family's business, running the social meeting and networking program, met someone she ultimately fell in love with, and then lost a little part of focus during the transition.  And I, well, I was flailing like a fish out of water with a job I hated, a roommate I hated (TxB) but didn't know it, and a life that, well, I hated.  Now, I just hate that I hated it.  All three of us were approaching 30.  And it turns out, we didn't know a damn thing then, just like we didn't know a damn thing when we were 20.  The only difference that time is we knew we didn't know.

Why am I telling you all of this?  What the fuck is the point?  And what does age have to do with it?  Well, I guess I don't know.  I find it interesting and humorous that the three of us best buds reunited within months of major life changes.  I find it odd and timely that we all turned 30 and the major relationships in our lives changed.  LIPAH broke up with her boyfriend, and I met someone new.  My Oldest Friend has found strength and peace in her relationship with her husband.

We all have new plans.  LIPAH wants to go back to school; I'm about to finish.  I feel pretty confident that my Oldest Friend will have a new job any day now, but more details about then when they happen.  We all have new lives.  We all have new hearts.  Better ones.  But we still don't know what the hell we are doing.

It seems like 30 is the new 20.  It seems like we have these dreams and goals that are just standing there almost in reach.  Instead of keg parties and strip poker, it's more like implementation plans and briefs that are due overnight, but there's something out there, something waiting.  We just don't know what it is.

Maybe that's what 30 is.  Maybe this is the way it's supposed to be.  I think I just got awfully lucky to go through it with the 2 people in my life who have known me the longest.

There's not point to this entry except that things happened for me this week in my personal life.  Major things, that I don't want to share yet, or maybe at all.  But I just seemed to find and let go of tremendous rage.  And there are things in progress for both LIPAH and my Oldest Friend that will, I think, work out for them too.

Mostly, I think I just look forward to the toast we get to do when all three of us find whatever it is we are looking for.  Because I think it's all coming to a head.  Now.

So.  Well.  Good luck to us.  And in the meantime, cheers!

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