Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Questions: #2

If you're not familiar with this series of posts, and you want to catch up, the introduction is here.

Question #2: Which is worse, failing or never trying?

I find this question particularly difficult, and different than the other 49 (of which you have only seen 1) because I feel like there is a right answer implied. Perhaps that is because I wish my answer were the other one. Since the objective is for me to be introspective (and maybe retrospective too), I'll be honest and give you my real answer.

Failing. Failing is much much worse than never trying. To me, anyway.

No one likes to fail, or not most people that I know, but I can only speak for myself. Failure shatters me. It's so much easier to give in, give up, give less and expect nothing than to try with all my might only to find it didn't work afterall.

I want to tell you that trying is more important. That if I reached for the moon but hit the stars, that's ok. That applying to graduate school but not being accepted is character building. That being turned down for a new job just means good experience with interviewing. But the reality is, that's just now how I see it.

I can't be disappointed if I don't try. I might be unhappy, unfulfilled, unstable - but not disappointed. The only risk is the risk of never finding something new.

All the time, I think I should reach for something, look for it, find it, and who cares if it doesn't work out? In 2013, I've started it, and some things haven't worked out; maybe other's will and so maybe someday, if you ask me this question again, I'll finally be able to tell you that never trying is worse. I just can't tell you that today.

So, what do you think is worse? Not trying or failing?

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