Saturday, March 29, 2014

When priorities misalign

As a kid, my mom talked a lot about priorities.

"Get your priorities in line, young lady!"
"School work is your priority and everything else comes next."
"My priority is you kids."

Priorities, priorities, priorities. BOR-RING.

I think we use the word incorrectly sometimes.  Not that my mom did - thank god she nagged me about priorities because mine weren't in any sort of order.  But as a grown person with grown friends, I find we throw it around a lot.  And I wonder, why do we always have opinions about other people's priorities?  Why do we judge them?  Why can't your priorities just be different than mine?  Why must I explain the ones I have that seem a little out of the ordinary?

What are my priorities now?  Well, my top priority is myself and that means I'm putting the things that make me happy at the top of my list.  Right now, there's a lot of joy in quality time spent with family and friends.  There's a lot of fun in getting to know someone new and seeing what becomes of it.  There's a lot of peace in being a role model for my little buddy TF. And there's a lot of value in allowing myself to find deep satisfaction by taking care of and helping the people in my life whom I adore.

These priorities are no longer misaligned with my lifetime hopes and dreams.   Once, they were.  But, everyday I find something new that challenges me, humbles me, or satisfies my need for connection with other people.  

I've always talked, hoped and dreamed about a family of my own, and I've really only meant my own kids.  I'll always want and need that, and someday, whenever the time is right, I will have that.  Lately though, I am reminded about something amazing; I already have pieces of my family now.

And those pieces --- well, they are my priority.

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